When fear is a part of our lives we rarely share it with anyone because we think this fear is only impacting our lives and no one else.


The reality is that our fears, more often than not, impact those around us without us realizing it.

Let me explain the price of your fear for others using a dramatic, graphic example from the news just a few years back.

I’m sure that most people remember the Jerry Sandusky/Penn State scandal from 2011. Sandusky was a revered and respected assistant coach to the all-powerful Joe Paterno.For many years Sandusky had been molesting young boys on the Penn State campus as well as other places. None of it came to light until 2011.

According to the Freeh Report several custodians had witnessed Sandusky molesting boys on multiple occasions. The custodians chose not to report it because, using their words from the report, “they’ll get rid of us all.”

Fear. I try to put myself in their shoes and can certainly understand why they would feel that way. No one can say for sure unless we walk where they walked but we may have acted the same way as well. Could they have lost their jobs? Yes, they could have. Penn State, Paterno, Sandusky and the aura of Penn State football were larger than life. I’m sure they viewed themselves as mere pawns in a much larger game. In their minds they were easily expendable.

Courage has a price as well. Being courageous may cost you something and in this case it may have cost them their jobs. In hindsight, I’m sure they would have acted more courageously.

Let’s examine the price of fear in this case.

Sandusky’s reprehensible, inexcusable and shameful acts went unreported for another 11 years. How many young men and boys and their families paid a price because those custodians were fearful for their jobs? That price continues to be paid by those men and boys and their families and will be paid for the rest of their lives.

As of September 2014 the scandal has cost Penn State $89 million. This is not to equate or compare the pain and suffering of the victims to the institution. It merely is to point out the costs can be physical, emotional, spiritual and mental as well as monetary. It could have potentially ended as early as 2000 if the custodians had been courageous enough to speak up. A great price was paid for the fear of those custodians.

Now let me give you a more personal example.

I am passionate about spreading my message of courageously overcoming our fears in everyday life.

Yet, I have this fear that my message isn’t that valuable or important. I wrestle with being good enough. Every time I speak I am afraid I won’t measure up to the expectations of the people that bring me in.

As a Christian, I believe we are all born with special gifts, talents, and abilities given to us by our Creator. These gifts and talents aren’t for us but for the benefit of those we encounter every day.

I have only begun to recognize and accept over the last few years that one of my gifts is the ability to communicate and tell stories in a way that makes a difference in people’s lives. If I choose not to speak because of my fear there is a likelihood that someone who needs to hear my message may pay the price of not hearing a message that could change their life.

When you think about it, this kind of fear is selfish. It is all about protecting ourselves at the expense of others. Raise your hand if you want to be seen as selfish. Anyone? Anyone? That fear of someone suffering for my fear is what drives me to do what I do.

Who is paying a price for your fear?

Is your business suffering because you won’t make a difficult decision?

Are others suffering because you are afraid to share your gifts, talents and abilities?

What will you do courageously today to end that pain?


1 Peter 4:10

Looking for a speaker for an upcoming event? I’d love to be that guy. You can reach me at dave@cultivatecourage.com or 952-200-7499.

You can now buy the book “Cultivate Courage” on Amazon! https://amzn.to/2N2PBVJ

This is an edited version of a post that originally ran on April 27, 2015.

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