“But, I didn’t do anything! It’s not fair,” proclaimed the young boy to his parents.

child playing in the sandbox with toy car

The family was sitting right in front of me in church. Clearly, he had been aggravating and taunting his younger sister for much of the service.

Because of the angle, mom and dad were oblivious to most of it until the little girl said a little too loudly for the setting, “STOP!”

We like to think that this kind of behavior is limited to kids and we all outgrow it sooner or later. The reality, however, is that the very same things we used to fight about in the sandbox, or in church, as little children with our siblings or our friends are the same things we often fight about in the workplace. The fights are the same, only the arena is different. People want to get their way at the expense of someone else.

People want to play with the toy truck or the conference room when someone else has it. People talk behind other people’s backs and choose up sides. People say I had the shovel or the idea or that client first. People blame others when the block castle gets knocked down or the presentation doesn’t go well. People want to hang out with the popular kids or the popular adults often at the expense of doing the right thing. Kids steal food out of other kid’s lunch boxes or the refrigerator in the break room. You don’t need any more proof than this that we still operate like little kids in the adult world.

It takes courage to take responsibility.

It takes courage to be the lone voice against the popular voices.

It takes courage to stop the backstabbing in your workplace and say you won’t be a part of it.

It takes courage to let someone else get the credit.

What are the sandbox, or church pew, issues affecting your workplace today?

Do you have the courage to step out of the sandbox and begin to truly act like an adult?

1 Corinthians 13:11


Do you need a speaker for an upcoming event? I’d love to be that guy. You can reach me at dave@cultivatecourage.com or 952-200-7499.

You can now buy the book “Cultivate Courage” on Amazon! https://amzn.to/2BUrgJY

This is an updated post from March of 2015.

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