Cultivate Courage Blog
The Courage to Think Big
I stood in the shower on a Sunday morning letting the water cascade over my bald head as I reflected on the view I had a couple of weeks ago at Frontier Ranch in Colorado. Two friends and I had spent about an hour at the camp just appreciating the beauty of the...
Courage in the Simple Things
Several years ago I worked part time at a golf course. My role was to check people in when they came to play, set up tee times when people called, and other general pro shop duties. One of our lady regulars came in just before her tee time on a Monday in the fall to...
The Voices In Our Heads
Recently, I watched a TED talk by Marisa Peer on how to train our minds to reach beyond our limits. So much of what she talked about was so relevant to me personally as well as what I talk about in my business. Courage is all about doing things or trying things in...
Get Out and Vote Today!
As the political ad appeared on the screen as I was watching the Super Bowl I groaned audibly and shared my disdain with the others in our viewing group. “Well, here we go. This is all we’re going to be seeing for the next nine months!” In our home we don’t have cable...
The Courage to Say YES…or NO!
“The very act of doing the thing that scared me undid the fear.” Those are the words of tv producer, television and film writer and author, Shonda Rhimes in her Ted Talk. Rhimes made the conscious decision to say yes to anything that scared her for one year. In her...
What a Difference a Decade Makes!
It’s hard to believe my journey of courage started ten years ago this month. In January of 2010 I lost my job. At the time I remember thinking that I would be out of work for maybe a month or two before finding new employment. In spite of hearing and reading the news...
When you face your fears and cultivate courage you can finally start living a productive, passionate, engaged life.
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