Silver Linings

Silver Linings

We’re about three weeks into this long and winding road of my daughter’s breast cancer diagnosis.

To date, not much has happened other than postponements for her chemo to begin. Now it is scheduled for July 6 after having originally being scheduled for June 22 and then June 29th.


Who Pays the Price For Your Fear?

Who Pays the Price For Your Fear?

When fear is a part of our lives we rarely share it with anyone because we think this fear is only impacting our lives and no one else.


The reality is that our fears, more often than not, impact those around us without us realizing it.


Never Underestimate the Value of a Crisis!

Never Underestimate the Value of a Crisis!

If you’ve read my blog with any regularity you know that my wife and I had a crisis time in our lives back in 2010-2012.

Over the course of 13 months we both lost our jobs and had to sell our home at the bottom of the market during the recession because we had no money left for payments. In our mid-50s we had no money, no jobs, and no place to live. Needless to say it was a crisis time in our lives.


The Curse of Perfection

The Curse of Perfection

In college I lived in a house with seven to nine other guys depending on the semester.chinese proverb n. 3One day one of my roommates came home at the end of his classes. I knew he had gotten back the results of a big test in one of his classes that day.
