In college I lived in a house with seven to nine other guys depending on the semester.One day one of my roommates came home at the end of his classes. I knew he had gotten back the results of a big test in one of his classes that day.
I asked him how it had gone and jokingly suggested that he had gotten a perfect paper. He confirmed that he had and yet he seemed very disappointed with the result. I asked how he could be so discouraged after receiving a perfect score. He replied, “Three other people got perfect papers as well!”
One morning I got off the phone with a successful businessman who was bringing me in to speak at an event he hosts with some other business owners. He shared with me his fear of perfection. He wrestles with launching new ideas and new products because he wants to wait until they are perfect. He said he is much better than he used to be but it’s still a challenge to want to be perfect.
Several years ago, as my business was in its infancy, my sister-in-law asked me if I was a perfectionist. I replied with a “No” very quickly. She asked me some very pointed questions about why I wasn’t doing more things that would help my business if I wasn’t worried about them being perfect.
As I pondered the question I began to realize that I likely do have some perfectionist tendencies that are slowing me down dramatically. I know that I have often not made a phone call or sent an e-mail to someone who could potentially hire me because I wanted to wait until I had all the right words in place or the script of what I was going to say exactly over the phone.
Just about every time I open up my ipad to do some work or read or play a game I see a little red number by my App Store app. That number is telling me how many of my apps need to be updated. Many of those apps have been updated numerous times. When I bother to read what the update is for I often see the descriptions; Bug Fixes or Performance Enhancements.
The designers of those apps made a decision that releasing the app knowing it wasn’t perfect was far better than holding it until it was perfect. They probably also realize that it may never be perfect. With most of those apps I have found them to be very helpful for me in my business or a lot of fun if I was playing a game.
Imagine what I would have missed, along with the countless others who use those same apps, if the developer had chosen to wait until it was perfect to put it out there.
Do you have perfectionist tendencies that you are not willing to admit?
I know I did and still do!
What are people missing out from you because you don’t have the courage to put it out there until it’s perfect?
Today, do you need to take a courageous step instead of waiting to take a perfect step?
Looking for a speaker for an upcoming event? I’d love to be that guy. You can reach me at or 952-200-7499.
You can now buy the book “Cultivate Courage” on Amazon!
I waz going to right you the prefect respond but I was arfraid of urining everythink.
You have statid it so wel, Ron! Tank Yuo!
Thanks, Dave! Sharing this.
Thanks, Geri! I appreciate you taking the time to read it and pass it along!