“Without the ability to end things, people stay stuck, never becoming who they are meant to be, never accomplishing all that their talents and abilities should afford them.”
This is a quote from a great book, Necessary Endings, by Dr. Henry Cloud. While it references people the same could be true of organizations or businesses.
In the 2017-18 season the Minnesota Timberwolves made the NBA playoffs for the first time in 13 years. One of the main reasons the T-wolves achieved that goal was the acquisition through trade with the Chicago Bulls of Jimmy Butler. Butler was a four time all star and four time NBA All Defensive Player. He was a real boost to a team that had floundered for years.
As expected his leadership steered a once sinking ship back on course. The future looked bright for a struggling franchise. Although they lost in the first round, the Wolves had broken through the playoff ceiling that had held them down for so many years. Fans were excited for more in the coming seasons from Butler and his teammates.
As the dawn of a new season was approaching for 2018-19 there were rumblings of discontent from Butler. He wanted out, to no longer play for the team he’d help rejuvenate the year before. The coach and the owner didn’t want to lose their top producer. They coddled and catered to his every whim and demand. The more they placated him the harder Butler made it on his teammates and the team overall.
He didn’t show up for training camp. Finally, when he arrived he was verbally abusive to everyone. The coach pampered him in hopes he would change his mind and become what he had been last year.
As the season started sometimes he would play and sometimes he wouldn’t. His reason for not playing in some games was “general soreness.” When he would play his effort was often half-hearted at best. Butler was the proverbial fox running the hen house.
Finally, the owner demanded the coach/general manager trade the malcontent Butler. The coach refused and the professional sports comedy continued. The Wolves became a laughingstock. After 13 games their record was 4 wins and 9 losses.
After far too long, even the coach realized that keeping his most talented player was hurting the team. A trade was made with the Philadelphia 76ers.
Following the trade, the Wolves won their next three games. Time will tell how the trade will play out in the long haul. In spite of Butler’s obvious talent and ability he needed to be gone.
The Timberwolves are a business. In spite of Butler’s talent he was hurting their product. Attendance was way down. He had to go.
Are there people in your company or organization that are holding you back? They may be highly productive but they make everyone around them miserable. They hold others back and, ultimately, hold your organization back.
It takes courage to have a necessary ending with top producers.
Are there individuals in your life that are holding you back? They tell you they have your best interests at heart but in reality they are nothing more than an Eddie Haskell. For those of you under 40, I’ll let you Google him to know more.
It takes courage to have necessary endings with “good friends.”
Do you need a speaker for an upcoming event? I’d love to be that guy. You can reach me at dave@cultivatecourage.com or 952-200-7499.
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