“As I was listening to you talk about your book all I could think was that you must have been reading my diary!”

Those were the words a lady shared with me moments after a recent TV interview I did for my book Cultivate Courage. She was listening just off camera and was at the TV studio waiting to visit with one of the on air personalities.

She went on to say, “You’ve made me realize that I’m not the only one who feels like I’ve felt for much of my life. I’m not alone. Thank you! I can’t wait to read your book!”

Fear is a nearly universal emotion that most of us share but we rarely talk about. That would require courage to do so. We do feel like we are alone in our battle against fear. We believe that no one would understand or that people would laugh at us if we were to open up and share what we are afraid of.

In the C. S. Lewis book, The Four Loves, he proclaims, “Friendship is born at the moment when one person says to another, “What? You too? I thought I was the only one!”

When we have the courage to share our vulnerabilities with others a whole new world is opened up to us as well as the person hearing us. Often we both find out for the first time that we are not alone in our journey.

For nearly nine years now I’ve had the opportunity to share my story of recognizing the role fear has played in my life and the need for courage to fight the battle against that fear. Countless times people have shared with me similar words to the lady at the TV station. These people have ranged in age from teens to the nineties. They have ranged from the unemployed to CEOs of large companies.

Are you fighting a losing battle against fear today? Have the courage to share your story with someone you trust. Likely, you’ll find an ally and someone who wants to walk alongside you and help you in your journey to a more courageous life. Also, you may find out that they share their story with you and you can be an encouragement to each other.

You are not the only one!

Psalm 23:4

Looking for a speaker for an upcoming event? I’d love to be that guy. You can reach me at dave@cultivatecourage.com or 952-200-7499.

You can now buy the book “Cultivate Courage” on Amazon! https://amzn.to/2N2PBVJ

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