I hope you had the opportunity to listen to Episode 14 of Bob Stromberg’s podcast Mastering the Craft of Creativity.
It was an honor to be Bob’s featured guest, talking about fear and courage and the role those two emotions play in our lives every day.
In Episode 15 Bob and I continued that discussion and focused on the relationship of courage and creativity. Those two words are strongly interrelated. Recognizing the need for one will greatly enhance the advancement of the other. You can listen to Part II by clicking here.
In the closing paragraph of the book Art & Fear, Observations On The Perils (and Rewards) of ARTMAKING, the authors end with this; “In the end it all comes down to this: you have a choice (or more accurately a rolling tangle of choices) between giving your work your best shot and risking that it will not make you happy, or not giving it your best shot – and thereby guaranteeing that it will not make you happy. It becomes a choice between certainty and uncertainty. And curiously, uncertainty is the comforting choice.”
Choosing uncertainty takes a great deal of courage! Creativity is full of uncertainty. Life is full of uncertainty. Choose courage and creativity!
It would be an honor to have you listen. When you’re done I strongly encourage you to check out Bob’s website at www.bobstromberg.com and his online course at http://bobstromberg.com/masteringthecraftofcreativity/ . You won’t be disappointed.
Thank you, Bob. You are a blessing in my life!
Ecclesiastes 4:9-12