This post originally ran in December of 2013. Based on several conversations I’ve had recently I thought it appropriate to share it again.
About ten days ago my wife and I had the opportunity to attend a Christmas party with a large number of people whom we had never met.
We struck up a conversation with a gentleman who was there as the dutiful spouse because his wife worked with for the organization holding the event. He had worked in his place of employment for over thirty years and was anxiously awaiting his retirement. He was in the process of figuring out the exact date but hoped that he would be done in December of 2014.
We asked him what he was looking forward to doing with all of his time off. Was he looking forward to traveling, volunteering, spending more time on his hobbies, maybe doing some gardening or spending time with grandchildren. He appeared to be in good health and very capable of leading an active retirement.
My wife and I were both struck by the sadness of his response. He said, “I really don’t have any plans. I’m going to just sit back and see what happens.” We further asked him about potential hobbies or desires of unfulfilled dreams and he simply didn’t have much of a desire to do anything. Now, there may be more to the story with this man than we are aware. He could have some health issues that keep him from doing much else or there may be another explanation. On the surface, however, there appeared to be no reason this man couldn’t enjoy an incredibly fulfilling and giving retirement.
Our family celebrated our family Christmas the weekend before Christmas. After our presents were opened and we sat around just enjoying being together, my youngest daughter asked me if I had heard the song “Brave” by Sara Bareilles. She said it is the perfect song for my messages on fear and courage and change. I had heard the song before but hadn’t really paid much attention. (One of the many things I really miss about my daughters being grown and out of the house is them introducing me to new songs and new musicians. It’s great when we get together and they provide me with some new tunes for my playlist!) The lyrics were powerful as I listened and watched the video, which you can see here.
The next night was when we met the gentleman who will be sitting back to waiting to see what happens. As we visited with him I wondered if he had been, as Sara Bareilles sings, “had been stared down by the enemy and fallen for the fear.”
On Christmas day we went to see The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.” As I watched the movie I couldn’t help but be reminded of the man from the party. In the movie, Walter is a man stuck in routine and afraid to take any risks at all. Walter was a man sitting back and waiting for something to happen in his life. I won’t tell you any more than that if you haven’t seen the movie, but I’m pretty sure you can guess what happens to Walter. I highly encourage you to see it through the lyrics of “Brave.”
As we enter 2014 are you making any resolutions? Some years I have and some I haven’t. Some resolutions I’ve kept and some I haven’t. As I enter 2014 I am determined to be more courageous and not wait for things to happen but to create opportunities.
How about you? In 2014, will you sit back and see what happens and let your shadow win or will you do everything you can to find out how big your brave is?