As the political ad appeared on the screen as I was watching the Super Bowl I groaned audibly and shared my disdain with the others in our viewing group.

“Well, here we go. This is all we’re going to be seeing for the next nine months!”

In our home we don’t have cable or satellite or even antenna tv, so this was my first glimpse of the soon to be onslaught of presidential hopefuls telling us why we should vote for them. My memory from previous elections is that many of these commercials are fear based. More often than not they tell us why we should be afraid to vote for their opponent rather than the good they plan to do should they win.

As I processed through this I realized we have the opportunity to cast a ballot each and every day. The two candidates that are running to lead our lives each day are fear and courage.  Just as we get to choose who our elected leaders are, we also get to choose what kind of life we want to lead.

Let’s take a brief look at some descriptive words of the platforms of the two candidates you can vote for today in how to lead your life.

Fear – “If you choose me as your candidate today I can promise you: Angst, anxiety, concern, cowardice, despair, dismay, doubt, dread, panic, suspicion, terror, unease, worry, blame, excuses, procrastination, avoidance, compromise, settling.”

Courage – “If you choose me as your candidate today I can promise you: Audacity, bravery, daring, determination, endurance, fortitude, gallantry, grit, perseverance, spirit, spunk, tenacity, faith, joy, trust, happiness.”

That’s a quick look at the two contenders wanting to help you lead your life today. The choice is yours. How will you cast your ballot?

John 10:10

Looking for a speaker for an upcoming event? I’d love to be that guy. You can reach me at or 952-200-7499.

You can now buy the book “Cultivate Courage” on Amazon!

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