“If you don’t play offense all the time, every day, every year, no matter how successful you become, someday you will wind up playing defense.”

Those are the words of entrepreneur extraordinaire, Gary Vaynerchuk, in his book titled, “Crushing It.”

In the “About the Author” section on the outer jacket, Vaynerchuk is described as one of the world’s leading marketing experts. If you follow social media in any way, shape, or form you have come across this guy. He is everywhere, Youtube, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook.

Here’s a word of warning if you decide to check him out. His language is rough. To me, he comes across as brash, arrogant, and a know it all. He is well aware of that and doesn’t apologize for it. If you can filter through all of that you will find a great deal of depth and truth in what he says and what he shares. He truly has a desire to help people accomplish their dreams and goals. And, if he doesn’t know it all about social media and marketing, he’s pretty close!

So, let’s get back to that opening statement.

As I have worked at developing my business as a speaker I must admit to playing far more defense than offense.

If you’re not a sports fan lets explore the difference between those two. Offense is when you score. Offense is all about making things happen. Offense is about attacking and attempting to score.

Defense is about doing your best to stop things from happening. Defense is about sitting back and waiting to see what someone else might do before you react. Defense is about protecting yourself or your team.

I’m guilty of sitting back, defensively, and waiting to see what happens, hoping someone will contact me and want me to come and share my message of courage. That’s certainly not a very courageous way to run a business! That sounds more like a defensive, fearful way to approach business. It’s difficult, but I’m changing that as we speak!

As I have opportunities to visit with people about their hopes and their dreams there are common patterns and phrases I hear often.

  • I’m just waiting for the right time to start.
  • I’m too busy right now. When things settle down I’ll start.
  • What if I fail?
  • What will people think?
  • I don’t have enough money right now.
  • I’m too old, or, I’m too young.
  • Someday…
  • Insert your phrase here—

In thinking about my business from an offense or defense perspective I am reminded of the story in the Bible of the full armor of God from Ephesians 6:10-18. As a Christian, I am reminded that I should put on the breastplate of righteousness, the helmet of salvation, and the belt of truth, among other things.

Each of these pieces of armor is for taking a battle head on. We are not encouraged to put on anything that will protect our backside for when we run away in defense. Everything we are encouraged to wear is about offense and moving forward.

As a big NFL fan I also think of teams with leads late in a game going into a “prevent” defense. This was designed to keep the team that’s behind in the game from scoring. Teams would be willing to give up large chunks of yardage to keep the opponent out of the end zone. It seemed that, more often than not, my Vikings would end up losing because they played so defensively.

So, what is your dream? You know you have one. Have you told anyone about it yet? People playing offense get it out there. People playing defense don’t share their dreams.

In your dreams, or in your entrepreneurial pursuits, or in life in general are you playing offense or defense?

Are you leading a life of courage or a life of fear?

Ephesians 6:10-18


Do you need a speaker for an upcoming event? I’d love to be that guy. You can reach me at dave@cultivatecourage.com or 952-200-7499.

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