“What will you do, Mary, when he fails? How will you help him then?”

Those are the words of Arthur Ouimet to his wife Mary as their son Francis pursues a nearly impossible challenge in the true story Disney movie The Greatest Game Ever Played.

Young Francis has a passion for the game of golf but is growing up in a family that struggles in many ways, not the least of which is financially. His father wants him to pursue a trade so he can provide for his family as he gets older.

Many of us have more time on our hands now in these times of COVID 19 and Shelter in Place or Stay in Place. As I watched this movie on a quiet Sunday afternoon I thought I would share with you today some of my favorite movies that have courage as a central theme. With some of the extra time you may now have I encourage you to check out some of these titles.

Now this isn’t an all-inclusive list. This is a list of movies that came to mind quickly for me. Some of them are great family movies and others are for more mature audiences.

You’ll notice there aren’t movies in the list such as Apollo 13. That is a movie of great courage. However, Tom Hanks had no choice but to choose courage. It was either courage or die. This is a list of movies that people had a choice. They could choose courage or they could choose fear. Each movie title is linked to a Youtube trailer for you to get a quick glimpse.

Here are the movies in no particular order:

The Rookie

Remember the Titans

Hacksaw Ridge  Mature

The Sandlot

Home Alone

Hidden Figures  Mature

Schindler’s List  Mature

Saving Private Ryan  Mature

Les Miserables  Mature

The Help  Mature

Field of Dreams

The Incredibles

It’s a Wonderful Life

What movies would you add to this list? As you watch these I’d love to get your feedback on what you thought!

Grab some popcorn, the remote, a blanket and enjoy these movies! Then, as you get inspired, figure out what you will do courageously!

Joshua 1:9


Looking for a speaker for an upcoming event? I’d love to be that guy. You can reach me at dave@cultivatecourage.com or 952-200-7499.

You can now buy the book “Cultivate Courage” on Amazon! https://amzn.to/2N2PBVJ

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