Several years ago I worked part time at a golf course. My role was to check people in when they came to play, set up tee times when people called, and other general pro shop duties.

Golf Swing

One of our lady regulars came in just before her tee time on a Monday in the fall to request a tee time for Wednesday. I would guess she’s in her mid-60s. I told her we had a private golf event and the course wasn’t available at the time she wanted. She then asked for something on Thursday. The course was closed that day for a cross -country meet.

She looked at her friend and said, “I wish I would have known that. I have them scheduled to come and work on my floors tomorrow (Tuesday) and I have to be home. I would have scheduled it for Wednesday so I could play golf tomorrow.”

“Why don’t you give them a call and see if they can do it on Wednesday,” I suggested.

“Oh, I’m afraid they would never do that. It’s been scheduled for over a month.”

“It never hurts to ask.” I said. “All they can do is say no.” Those are words I often heard from my mother.

“I don’t have my phone with me or know their number,” she said in an almost excuse making tone.

“I’ve got a phone and phone book right here,” I told her.

“I’m just afraid that would be imposing,” she said as she looked away.

“Let’s go play,” she said to her friend as she headed toward the door with a look and a tone of disappointment and frustration.

She stepped outside with her friend and quickly did an about face and came back in. “Do you know what the weather is supposed to be tomorrow?”

I looked at the forecast on my phone and told her, “75 and sunny. There aren’t going to be many more days like that.”

“You don’t think they would mind if I called,” she asked.

“Like I said before, all they can do is say no. It would be a shame to miss an opportunity to play golf on a beautiful day.”

“Could you hand me the phone book please?”

She looked up the number and I dialed it and handed her the phone.

“Yes, I have an appointment tomorrow for you to come and work on my floors. I was wondering…well, I’m sure you can’t, but would it be possible, I’m afraid to ask, but could I possibly change my appointment to Wednesday?”

There was a very short pause.

Her face suddenly lit up with a huge smile. “Really,” she said with great enthusiasm. “Yes, the same time works great! Thank you! Bye,” she said as she handed the phone back.

“I can’t believe it! They said it would be no problem. I need to learn to ask more often,” she said as she pranced out the door.

During the course of our conversation she used some form of the word fear or afraid at least four times. If you have some level of fear it requires some level of courage to get past the fear. Sometimes it’s simple things like changing an appointment. Maybe for you it’s asking for half a day off to go to a special event, or, applying for a job for which you don’t think you are qualified.

Often in life we have not because we simply ask not. Don’t let fear or what ifs hold you back.

What do you need to courageously ask for today?

Matthew 7:7-8


Looking for a speaker for an upcoming event? I’d love to be that guy. You can reach me at or 952-200-7499.

You can now buy the book “Cultivate Courage” on Amazon!

This is an edited version of a post that originally ran on September 29, 2014.

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