Cultivate Courage Blog
Deferred Value of Crisis
For just a moment time stopped. Later that night I told my wife that little flash in time was truly one of the best moments in my life. Most likely that little flash never would have happened if my wife and I hadn’t gone through what we'd gone through a little over...
Oh the Possibilities if You Just Ask!
As I sat across from him in the restaurant. I easily remembered at least two other times we’d met and I’d failed to share with him my bucket list item. On those other occasions I’d chickened out. Fear won. Today was going to be different. If you haven’t read my post...
What I Learned From Clifford
So, there I was just hangin’ out with the grandkids watching Clifford the Big Red Dog. It’s important to the story to understand that this is the puppy days version of Clifford so he isn’t very big at all just yet. Emily, Clifford’s owner, has just told him that she...
The Regret of Not Asking
I was sitting in a little café in Malibu looking out over the Pacific Ocean when I saw him chatting with someone at another table. Yes, I realize that doesn’t sound like something I would ever experience or write but I really did. I’ll tell you in a moment about who...
You Have the Right to Remain Silent…
“Thank you! You have made my day!” As I waited for my turn in the post office lobby, only three allowed in the lobby and please stand on the yellow footprints to appropriately social distance, the clerk finished up her transaction with the state patrol officer. As I’d...
Words That Make a Difference
Sometimes simple is better. I believe today is one of those days. I believe every day can be one of those days if we allow them to be! Today, I simply want to share with you ten quotes from movies that I have come across over the last few years. These are offered to...
When you face your fears and cultivate courage you can finally start living a productive, passionate, engaged life.
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