Cultivate Courage Blog
Please Take My 2017 Reader Survey
First of all, let me thank you for reading my blog. Some of you are new and others of you have been reading faithfully for over four years! Even if you've taken the survey in the past your input is more valuable than you know! Please take it again! In order to...
An Early Flight, a Mohawk, and a Lesson Learned
The alarm went off at 4:45 am. I got out of bed, took a quick shower and got my things together to catch my 5:45 flight home. Fortunately, my hotel was right by the airport so I would be there in plenty of time. The night before I had gone online and saw that the...
The Race to Nowhere
One of the unexpected outcomes of doing what I do as a speaker is having people share their stories with me. If I had taken the time to process through what I do, likely I would have been able to figure out this might happen. It is an incredibly humbling experience to...
Getting Your Ducks in a Row!
I recently had someone recommend a website to me about living fearlessly. I couldn’t remember the site but thought I would google it and see what I could find. There were 1,650,000 results attached to the phrase “living fearlessly.” While I am sure that many of these...
Kinesiology, Courage, and a Broken Promise!
I put off taking this class as long as I could. Kinesiology. Just the title scared me and I had heard the professor was brilliant and a tough grader. I never was very good in the sciences and this class and professor lived up to the reputation. Each week I worked as...
The Courage to Tell the Truth
It wasn’t how I’d planned to end my Sunday evening. My wife and I had had a good weekend visiting her dad. The three hour plus drive home was beautiful as we enjoyed the fall colors and the changing of seasons in northern Minnesota. A friend had called me earlier in...
When you face your fears and cultivate courage you can finally start living a productive, passionate, engaged life.
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