Results and Insights from my Reader Survey

Results and Insights from my Reader Survey

Recently, I ran my first ever Reader Survey to find out who my readers are and what is important to you.

Customer Satisfaction Survey, being filled in

First of all, thank you to each of you who participated. The results proved to be very interesting and will greatly help me in the development of future blog posts as well as other content that I may create in the future.

The survey continues to be available on my blog and I would still welcome your participation. You can get there quickly by clicking here.

In a nutshell, here are the results and a summary of what my “average” reader looks like:

  • My typical reader is a female (86%) between the ages of 45-64 (71%). At first, this was the most surprising piece of information. However, after processing it I realized, as a male, that men are less likely to respond to a survey about courage. I believe there are more men reading than 14% but they simply aren’t taking the survey.
  • My average reader has graduated from college (50%) or graduate school (29%).
  • 43 % of my readers have an average household income between $25,000-49,999 per year. While another 29% have an income between $75,000 and 124,999 per year.
  • 57% of my readers are married while 21.5% are divorced. Another 21.5% have never been married.
  • The occupations of my readers was quite spread out among the various options. 21% fell into the Business and Finance occupations while another 21% were in the Education, Training and Library category.

The first essay type question was: What is the biggest challenge you face right now in living courageously? There were a variety of answers here but the majority of the responses fell into the following categories:

  • Disappointing others and self
  • Being unable to meet others expectations
  • Feeling inadequate
  • The ability or inability to consistently make good decisions

The second essay type question was: What do you want most out of the Cultivate Courage blog? Here are the top responses:

  • How to better recognize courage opportunities
  • Inspiration to overcome discouragement
  • Ideas for taking first steps to start something

The final question was: If fear or lack of courage were no object what would you like to achieve in the next five years? Here are some patterns that appeared in the responses:

  • Make some sort of career, job or vocation change
  • Become more financially secure or obtain financial freedom
  • Be more honest with others about feelings
  • Develop or work on a talent or skill such as singing, playing the piano or doing stand-up comedy.

Thank you, again, for your participation in this survey. Your input will help me greatly in the creating of future blog posts as well as potential other content that I may be able to create and share with you in the future.

If you have other comments you feel would be beneficial for me please feel free to comment in the comment area below or send me an e-mail at


Please Take My 2017 Reader Survey

Please Take My 2017 Reader Survey

First of all, let me thank you for reading my blog. Some of you are new and others of you have been reading faithfully for over four years! Even if you’ve taken the survey in the past your input is more valuable than you know! Please take it again!

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In order to continue to grow my blog, develop new ways to build courage, and to be sure I am meeting your needs I need to know more about YOU!


What I Learned From My Reader Survey

What I Learned From My Reader Survey

Recently, I ran a Reader Survey to find out who my readers are and what is important to you.

First of all, thank you to each of you who participated. The results proved to be very interesting and will greatly help me in the development of future blog posts as well as other content that I may create in the future.

Online survey word cloud concept

The survey continues to be available on my blog and I would still welcome your participation. You can get there quickly by clicking here.

In a nutshell, here are the results and a summary of what my “average” reader looks like:


Please Take My 2016 Reader Survey

Please Take My 2016 Reader Survey

First of all, let me thank you for reading my blog. Some of you are new and others of you have been reading faithfully for nearly three years!

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In order to continue to grow my blog and be sure I am meeting your needs I need to know more about YOU!
