When I clicked on the little round, colored ball in the dock on my Macbook Air computer, up popped my web browser of choice, Google.

You see, Google is the browser I have set up as my default in my settings. On rare occasions when I click on the colored ball a different browser appears. Immediately, I have this feeling or sense that something is wrong and I need to get back to what I’m comfortable with.

To be honest, I’ve never even really explored if I might prefer another browser. The one I use now is the one that was selected for me when I purchased the computer. It’s comfortable. I recognize it. I enjoy the occasional bits of humor that Google inputs with its browse. Maybe there’s something better but I haven’t really checked.

For about eight years now I have been making my living as a speaker. It still doesn’t seem real. To this day, when I get a call or an email asking me to speak for an event some default thoughts pop into my mind. “Why would they want you to speak? They must not be able to find anyone else. Someone must have cancelled on them and they’re desperate.”

I must admit that early on I turned down some opportunities because I listened to those defaults.

The thing about defaults is that, more often than not, we aren’t even aware of them. They just happen. We go to the default because it’s what pops up in our mind just like Google pops up on my computer. We stay in our default because it’s comfortable and it’s what we know even if there might be something better.

Early on in my journey to develop greater courage in my life I worked with an amazing counselor. She challenged me to become very aware of my defaults. Fear and negative self-talk were my defaults. She encouraged me to write them down. That process helped me to recognize them more readily so that I could do something different than what my default was calling me to do.

Today, the default thoughts continue to show up but I have great awareness of them. I don’t just live in the default because it shows up. Because of the enhanced awareness I am able to change my course and do something better.

Here is how my defaults most often show up for me with fear being the umbrella over them all:




How do your defaults show up in your life? I’ll bet, for some of you, you don’t even know because you just go to your default without giving it a second thought!

On those rare occasions when Google doesn’t show up as my browser I have to reset my default browser selection. The very same thing is true for us if our default is fear. You have to reset your browser. Becoming very aware of your defaults by writing them down is a great first step.

It takes courage to admit your defaults. It takes courage to step away from what’s comfortable and do something different.

Do you have the courage today to reset your browser?

Psalm 56:3-4


Do you need a speaker for an upcoming event? I’d love to be that guy. You can reach me at dave@cultivatecourage.com or 952-200-7499.

You can now buy the book “Cultivate Courage” on Amazon! https://amzn.to/2WG8AGQ

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