My business email informed me that I had 3 new notifications on my Twitter account.

Twitter isn’t something I engage with very often. I will always post my latest blog post there but, other than that, don’t spend much time on that social media site. People are always telling me I need to engage with people there more but I haven’t developed the habit or discipline to do so yet.

One of those notifications informed me that someone wanted me to be a guest on their podcast. The premise of the podcast is helping small business owners to take their business to the next level.

Immediately, the fear and unworthiness tapes began to play in my head. “Why in the world would they want me on their podcast? Certainly there must be someone far better than me to have as their guest!”

When I speak on fear and courage one of my points is to become very aware of the voice in your head and the messages that voice is sending. That voice of fear is often a default for many of us. Because of this awareness I immediately recognized this voice doing it’s very best to keep me from accepting this invitation.

Before I released my book, “Cultivate Courage,” to the public a trusted friend who is a speaker and author on a very high level sent me a message saying, “I hope this book is a game changer for you.” Over the years I’ve heard many speakers who have said that writing a book changed their speaking careers in a very positive way and I’m sure this is what my friend was referencing; more engagements, more money, more notoriety. In small ways at this point it is changing the game.

Please know that I don’t speak and I didn’t write the book for any of those reasons. I’m passionate about people leading more courageous lives because I’ve recognized the need in my own life and others have shared with me the very same desires after hearing me speak.

Since the book came out a month ago I’ve now been invited to be on three different podcasts. In the previous seven years of speaking I’ve been on a total of three podcasts. There have been other things as well that show me the game is changing.

I must admit to feeling this desire to withdraw and downplay all of this. I’ve caught myself on several occasions as people are complimenting on the book replying that it isn’t that big a deal. I’m very good at discounting my accomplishments not wanting to cross that line of appearing or being arrogant. It appears as though I may be struggling with the fear of success, something my wife had lovingly suggested to me at times.

So, I find myself in position to heed my own message. One of my favorite quotes that has come out of my work is, “Fear calls us to be spectators. Courage calls us to get in the game.”

The easy thing to do would be to withdraw and not accept these podcast invitations or speaking opportunities. Certainly there is someone better they could call on for these things. But, they have called on me. Fear calls me to say no. Courage calls me to say yes. I am doing my very best to say yes and move forward rather than say no and move backwards.

Sometimes, I must admit it’s hard to be the courage guy. My natural tendency, through years of practice, is to be a spectator. It’s tough to make a difference in the lives of others as a watcher from the stands. If I want and expect to make a difference I need to choose courage.

What are you choosing in your life today, the comfort of the stands or the challenge of the playing field?

Ephesians 3:20


Do you need a speaker for an upcoming event? I’d love to be that guy. You can reach me at or 952-200-7499.

You can now buy the book “Cultivate Courage” on Amazon!

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