As a young boy Saturday mornings were all about cartoons. I would get up with my brothers and we would get our breakfast and then fight over which animated show we were going to watch.


When Saturday afternoons rolled around it was time for classic black and white movies like the Japanese monster Rodan, Abbott and Costello, Ma and Pa Kettle and Tarzan.

I remember one episode of Tarzan where he became stuck in quicksand. This was unusual as it was usually the bad guys that got stuck in quicksand and Tarzan would save them.

As I’ve been on this journey of starting and running my own business over the last three to four years I have often felt like Tarzan in that deadly quicksand; stuck, making no progress and feeling like it’s all a lost cause and wondering if I should even continue.

Remembering Tarzan and the quicksand can be a great way to get unstuck.

When you get that stuck feeling and it seems like all hope is lost remember what Tarzan did to get out of his deadly predicament.

First, he didn’t panic. I do remember that when he first got stuck he did squirm and fight it to begin with but he quickly realized that he was sinking faster. When he calmed down the sinking slowed down as well and he was able to think more clearly.

Too often, when I’m stuck, I do irrational things that don’t make any sense in looking back on them. Over the years I have learned to calm down and assess my situation and make better decisions.

Second, he realized he wasn’t going to be able to get out of this on his own and he was willing to allow someone to help him. He did his famous Tarzan yell, which you can hear here, knowing that his trusty chimpanzee friend, Cheeta, would come and help him.

All too often, when I’m stuck I try to figure it out for myself. I am learning that it’s okay, and even good, to ask for help. Often getting someone else’s perspective can help you through the challenges you are facing.

Third, when Cheeta was able to get him one of the vines hanging from the trees and pull himself out, Tarzan showed great gratitude to Cheeta for helping him.

If we’re willing to step back from our quicksand we can find plenty of things that are going well for which we can be grateful.

What do you do when you’re stuck in your quicksand?

What suggestions do you have for me and other readers to help them get unstuck?

What will you do today to get your of your quicksand?

Matthew 11:28-30



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