Hundreds of years ago there lived a king in his medieval kingdom. His territory was surrounded by a giant rock wall to provide safety and security for his people.
As the king began to age he was well aware that his queen had not bore him any sons and there was no heir to his throne. He needed to devise a plan to find one worthy to take his place and to lead his people.
After many visits with his trusted advisors they devised a strategy that was sure to draw out the new ruler.
As part of the king’s plan to keep his people safe he had only created one gateway in and out of his kingdom. This opening allowed his people to come and go freely as long as the gates were opened. This gateway became the focal point of his plan to find his replacement.
The king had his royal army place a giant boulder in the middle of the gateway. The boulder was placed in such a way as people could get by on either side but they were no longer able to bring their horses or chariots through.
Whoever had the courage to move the boulder to open the gateway again would be named the new ruler. None of those in his kingdom were aware of the plan, however.
From his vantage point in his castle the king could view the boulder and the attempts of his people to remove it from the gateway. He had some ideas as to who the few men might be who would rise to the challenge. Each day, he watched in anticipation as his subjects attempted to re-open the gateway. When he saw one of those he thought would move the boulder he would stand up to see their efforts hoping it was the time.
Day after day went with no one able to get the boulder out of the way. The king became discouraged. The boulder became like wallpaper. It’s just there and you can’t do anything about it. People accepted their fate and adapted their lives.
Then one day a peasant shepherd returned home after being out in the countryside for the summer and selling his sheep in another land. As he walked up to the gate he was puzzled by the obstruction. By now the king would only occasionally glance at the area to see if anyone was worthy of becoming king. He was close to giving up hope on this plan to find an heir.
The peasant asked around to find out about the boulder and why it was there. No one knew. Everyone had become accustomed to it being there and few, if any, were making any effort to move it.
After a night of rest, the peasant returned to the gate to try to re-open the obstructed gateway. He tried pushing on it himself but it was way to big and it wouldn’t budge. He enlisted the help of some others but his assistants gave nothing more than a half-hearted effort.
One of the royal servants brought these new efforts to the attention of the king. He returned to his seat to watch these new attempts.
The shepherd began to apply some of the things he had learned in his work with sheep and in the fields. He built a fulcrum and slowly began to wedge it under the boulder. As it budged ever so slightly he would adjust the fulcrum. On it went for hours as the crowds gathered to watch. The king was now standing in excitement realizing he might be watching the heir to his throne.
Finally, after many hours and unbelievable effort the peasant had moved the boulder and the gateway was again with barrier. As the crowd cheered, the peasant leaned against the boulder looking at the indentation in the ground where the boulder had been.
Slowly he walked over and looked down in the little groove in the ground. In it he saw a small leather bag. He reached down and picked it up.
From his perch the king also stood and applauded and cheered. He told two of his royal men to go and bring the peasant to him immediately.
As the peasant opened the leather pouch he was shocked to see it was full of gold and silver and jewels. Just as it was sinking in was in the bag, he was grabbed by each arm by the two royal servants. “The king has commanded us to bring you to him,” one of them said sternly.
The shepherd feared for his life. With great fear in his voice he cried, “I just found this pouch in the hole. It isn’t mine. I didn’t steal it!”
As he was brought into the royal throne room he fell face first on the floor in front of the king. He begged for mercy saying, “I didn’t steal this your majesty. I found it in the hole. You must believe me!”
The king was quiet for a moment. Slowly he said, “Stand up, my son.”
The peasant was puzzled by the king’s words. The king repeated, “Stand up, my son.”
With great hesitation the peasant got to his knees. For the first time he looked up at the king whose hands were outstretched in a welcoming fashion.
The king came down off of his throne and began to walk toward the shepherd. “Stand up my son,” he said as he reached out his hands and helped the man to his feet.
With great enthusiasm, the king exclaimed to the bewildered peasant, “This bag of treasure is all yours because you had the courage to move the boulder. You did what no one else would and you now shall become my heir to the throne.”
Are you missing out on a treasure because you’ve become accustomed to the boulders in your life?
What treasure might be waiting for you if you have the courage to move your boulders?
This post was adapted from an old tale of unknown origin.