Face Your Fears.
Fulfill Your Dreams.
Speaker, coach, author, and trainer Dave Cornell helps people overcome fear and cultivate courage so they can live a more productive, passionate, engaged life.
Face Your Fears.
Fulfill Your Dreams.
Speaker, coach, author, and trainer Dave Cornell helps people overcome fear and cultivate courage so they can live a more productive, passionate, engaged life.
Speaker, coach, author, and trainer, Dave Cornell helps people overcome fear and cultivate courage
so they can live a more productive, passionate, engaged life.
Questions? Call: 952-200-7499
Questions? Call: 952-200-7499
As hired by
“Audiences walk away energized and changed! I know first-hand that audiences love him, and so do the meeting planners that he made look so good!”
— Dave Horsager, CEO The Trust Edge Leadership Institute
How much is fear costing you?
The effects of fear are corrosive to success
• Does your team see change as an opportunity or a chore?
• Are people willing to take on healthy risks and accountability?
• Are some important subjects “off limits” to discuss?
• Is it a nightmare trying to get everyone on board?
• Does your team do the right thing or just enough to get by?
• Do people talk behind eachother’s backs?
Fear may be costing you more than you can afford, but it doesn’t have to stay that way.
- 35+ years in sales, sales management, training and development
- Certified DISC trainer and facilitator
- Helped thousands of people find more success through managing fears and cultivating courage
- Hired by businesses, boards, churches, events, schools, and more
- Certified life/personal development coach
- Senior Trainer for David Horsager, The Trust Edge Leadership Institute
Cultivate Courage
by Dave Cornell
Dave provides you with practical, actionable steps to face your fears and lead a more courageous life!
how it works
Get simple, actionable steps to be more productive, fulfilled, and engaged.

Face Your fears

cultivate courage

reach your Goals
Learn how shining a light on fear can show which fears are real and which are irrational.
Cultivate Courage
Dave teaches actionable steps to overcome fear and start living with intentional courage.
Reach your goals
Gain a new perspective so you can live with courage and reach goals that seemed out of reach.
What makes Cultivate Courage different?
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While some fears are rational, our irrational fears are the ones that trap us into a cycle of missed opportunities and regret… which doesn’t come cheap. The cost for businesses is overwhelming and the cost for individuals is heartbreaking.
Dave knows what it’s like to be hijacked by fear. When and his wife both lost their jobs and their home during the financial crisis the fear and self-doubt were paralyzing.
Everything finally changed when there was no option but to dig deep and move forward despite fear—living with courage changed everything! Now Dave Cornell has helped thousands of people find more success by learning to manage their fears and live with intentional courage.
When you help your team grow and see opportunities where they once saw roadblocks, you pave the way for new possibilities.
Cultivate Courage is a dynamic, engaging, and transparent message which inspires and fosters change as a presentation, in trainings, and in coaching. You’ll discover how to:
- Foster the thought patterns of highly successful people and quiet self-defeating thoughts
- Reframe your fears so you can overcome them or get them to work for you
- Activate simple steps to start moving towards goals you thought were unattainable
Book Dave Cornell today to help everyone on your team become more productive, fulfilled, and engaged.
The perfect event, Customized for your audience

Motivate your audience to live with intentional courage.

Foster teamwork and a culture of productivity and passion.

Guidance to become the leader you were born to be.
Audience reaction

Jan Haeg, Director of Field Talent Development, Lifetouch

Sue Nelson, Navigate Forward

Robin McCartney, Sr. Management Analyst, City of Las Vegas, NV
Most requested topics

Cultivate Courage
In this presentation I provide simple, practical tools to help business and organizations become more productive, more passionate, more engaged and more energized with a greater possibility for new vision. Learn to be a difference maker and not just a crowd follower. The words I hear most often about this presentation are authentic, genuine, sincere, life-changing, and inspiring.
Courageous Leadership
In a 2012 study Forbes Magazine found that nearly 2/3 of all U.S. workers were dissatisfied in their work. Leadership plays a major role in developing a culture that determines an employees level of engagement or disengagement. People often lead the way they have been led, manage the way they have been managed, and even parent the way they were parented. There is a courageous way to lead but it requires leaders to look internally to make a difference in their organizations externally. This presentation focuses on creating an awareness in leaders to see their world and their employees differently ultimately making a difference on their company’s bottom line.

In addition, all speaking topics can also be delivered as workshops.
DISC Behavioral Profile
Great for your personal and professional life, DISC is the universal language of behavior. This simple, but profound assessment provides great insight into human motivation, compatibility, communication, diversity, self-awareness and greater awareness of those around you. This tool can be applied to enhances relationships, inform decisions, provide better communication and improve mutual understanding. The DISC training is a foundation for the other training events on communication and conflict resolution.
Effective Communication in the Workplace
Much of miscommunication in our daily lives both personally and professionally is a result of not recognizing how we communicate as well as how others communicate. This course will focus on communication in the areas of speaking effectively, listening effectively, understanding non-verbal communication as well as communication filters.
Conflict Resolution in the Workplace
If you’re working with other people, conflict is inevitable, and that’s why learning to manage conflict productively is a key factor for your success. In this course we will focus on understanding why conflict occurs, conflict styles, the value of conflict, as well as develop an awareness of how each individual manages conflict and steps to effective conflict resolution.

1-on-1 coaching
1-on-1 Coaching is the fastest, most personalized way to get the results you’re looking for. As a certified coach I am trained to partner with individuals to help them achieve improvement, change, or reach other specific goals in their personal or professional life. This can be done in person, by phone, or over Skype, Zoom or Facetime.
Book Dave Cornell
Whether it’s a keynote or workshop, each event is customized for your audience.
Make your event a success

Ben Januschka, Principal, Farmington Elementary School
Past clients
- AgStar Financial Services
- Alliance Laundry Systems
- Anoka-Hennepin Technical College
- Augsburg University Men’s Basketball
- BNI Energy
- Butler Machinery Company
- C & B Operations
- Catholic United Financial
- Center for Farm Financial MGMT
- City of Las Vegas, NV
- Clay County
- CMC – Custom Marketing Company
- Coldwell Banker Burnet Realty
- Crossroads Career Network
- Crystal Women Connect
- Dakota Prairie Refinery
- Doosan Bobcat
- Face2Face Job Search Network
- Farmington Elementary School
- Feed My Starving Children
- Fergus Falls Chamber of Commerce
- Fergus Falls Young Professional Network
- Fergus Falls YMCA
- Freedom Resource Center
- Freshwater Education District
- GSN Mission Services
- Genesys Works
- Great Plains Food Bank
- Health Resources Center
- I Point Bible Camp
- Lakes Country Academy
- Lakes Country Service Cooperative
- Luther Automotive Group
- Minnesota Chamber of Commerce Executives
- Midwest Sign Association
- Minnesota Council for Quality
- MN Department of Employment and Economic Development
- Minnesota Jail Programmers
- Minnesota Job Partners
- Minnesota Rural Electric Association
- Minnesota Social Services Association
- Minnesota Sheriff’s Association
- Montana-Dakota Utilities
- National Association of Fraternal Insurance Counselors
- National Corn Growers Association
- Navigate Forward
- North Dakota Association for Talent Development
- North Dakota Implement Dealers Association
- North Dakota Parks and Recreation Department
- North Dakota Telephone Association
- North Iowa Area Community College
- Northern Balance & Scale
- Park Christian School
- Park Company Realtors
- PartnerSHIP 4 Health
- Professional Sales Association of Minnesota
- ReCon Management
- Red River Waste MGMT Board
- Safe House Project
- Sharepoint Credit Union
- Star Cutter Company
- Taylor Corporation
- Thrivent Financial
- Tri-State Telecom Operations Conference
- Twin Cities Adult Education Alliance
- WBI Energy
- West Central Minnesota SHRM
- Western National Insurance Group
- xpedx
When you face your fears and cultivate courage you can finally start living a productive, passionate, engaged life.